Players Need To Plan For Their Future – PhreeStyle Sports CEO Shogo Shodunnke

With footballers generally having short professional careers, their futures’ are often not accounted for, despite earning good money during their playing days.

While player wages differ, some players are on seven figure annual salary packages.

Many players live below the poverty line after retiring from the game. This has led to the PhreeStyle Sports CEO, Shogo Shodunnke, urging players to invest in their futures.

The resource expert said that he does not mind players driving expensive cars, however they have to think about life for after their playing days.

“I wouldn’t want to see the players driving fancy cars now and living in poverty after their playing days are over,” he said.

“I urge all the players to think about the future and invest their money. We don’t want to see our heroes suffer in the future,” Shogo Shodunnke explained.

PhreeStyle Sports, a fast growing firm recently organized seminars for Nigerian league clubs like Enyimba, Nasarawa United, Lobi Stars, Giwa FC, Remo Stars, Crown FC and Imperial Academy.

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