Tag Archives: IOC Olympic Code Sanction

AIBA Fully Endorses IOC Ethics Programme Findings

Following the IOC’s recent investigation into violations of the Olympic Code by three boxers during Rio 2016, AIBA President Dr Ching-Kuo Wu has underlined his support for the Disciplinary Commission’s findings with the development of a new educational programme for National Federations and their boxers.

“AIBA has always been acutely aware of its responsibilities to preserving the Olympic values and codes of conduct within our sport and we are fully behind the IOC’s statement regarding the boxers in question. The actions of a very small minority at Rio 2016 have shown that what we believed to be a very clear message still needs some reinforcing: that betting on bouts by boxers is unacceptable, and certain behaviours need to be eradicated” said AIBA President Dr Ching-Kuo Wu.

AIBA President Dr Ching-Kuo Wu
AIBA President Dr Ching-Kuo Wu

“The educational programmes we are now developing with the cooperation of our 200 National Federations will make Rio 2016 be seen as a watershed for our sport in the years to come. These specific cases will now be brought to our own Disciplinary Commissions as we discuss the best path forwards to ensuring that all of our athletes are fully aware of their responsibilities with regard to AIBA competitions and Olympic values.”

The AIBA Disciplinary Commission will convene in Lausanne in the coming weeks to formulate a clear and comprehensive educational programme alongside its NFs and Confederations outlining the responsibilities of all boxers to the AIBA and the IOC codes of conduct.