Tag Archives: CAVB Mens Continental Volleyball Cup Kelibia Tunisia

Tunisia Beat Morocco To Book Rio Volleyball Tickets

2016 CAVB Men’s Continental Cup- Finals

Tunisia Men’s Beach Volleyball team claimed the gold medal of the CAVB Men’s Continental Cup after they overcame North African neighbours Morocco 2-1 in the final of the competition held in Kelibia, Tunisia on Sunday.

Tunisia pulled off the qualification ticket for Rio 2016 representing Africa for the first time in the Olympic Beach volleyball competition.

Tunisians Celebrating the victory, Tunisia Beat Morocco To Book Rio Volleyball Tickets, CAVB

Tunisian team 1 started aggressively supported by full packed court to beat Morocco 2 team 2-0 (21-15, 21-17). Morocco team 1 rebounded to overcame Tunisia 2 team 2-0 (21-19, 21-18) and extend the face off to golden match. The decisive match was won by the Tunisians 2-1 ( 26-24, 21-23, 18-16) to capture the gold medal.

In the bronze medal match Angola topped Sierra Leone twice 2-0 ( 21-18, 21-16) in the first match and 2-0 ( 21-17, 21-19) in the second match to finish in the third position.

Now Morocco and Angola qualified to the World Cup to have another opportunity to qualify to the Olympics when they fight with the second and third ranked teams form the whole confederations (10 teams) where another 2 teams will capture the Olympic tickets.

Final Results
Gold Medal
Tunisia 1 Morocco 2: 2-0 (21-15; 21-17)
Tunisia 2 Morocco 1 : 0-2 (19-21; 18-21)
Golden match Tunisia 1 Morocco 1 : 2-1 ( 26-24; 21-23; 18-16)

Bronze Medal:
Angola 1 Sierra Leone 2: 2-0 ( 21-18; 21-16)
Angola 2 – Sierra Leone 1 : 2-0 ( 21-17; 21-19)

The Tunisian Team
The Tunisian Team

Final Standings
1. Tunisia
2. Morocco
3. Angola
4. Sierra Leone
5. Rwanda
6. Ghana
7. Mozambique
8. Gambia
9. Burundi
10. Egypt
11. Cote d’Ivoire