Beach Volleyball: Nigeria Volleyball Federation To Train 40 Coaches

The president of the Nigeria Volleyball Federation (NVBF), Engineer Musa Nimrod said the federation would train 40 coaches on the technical course on Beach Volleyball.

The five day training coaching courses for beach coaches in conjunction with the International Volleyball Federation which started on Thursday (6 of June) is expected to end on June 11 at the package B of the National stadium.

Nimrod said the purpose of the training is for coaches to know the latest techniques of the game and impart knowledge on the players.

“This course is to train our coaches on the latest techniques of the game so that our players will be among the best three in Africa. It will also permit us to have more facilities to develop the game, we want to put more effort in beach volleyball so that we will be among the best teams in the world,” he said.

“Beach Volleyball in Africa is growing and Nigeria volleyball is also at the high level of the sport. Currently our female players are ranked first with our male team ranked eighth on the continent.

Musa Nimrod

Nimrod said that an international instructor was sent by the International body to train coaches on Beach Volleyball.

Mohammed Mahima, the instructor for the train coaching course from Qatar said Nigerian needs to be committed if they want to be among the best teams in the world.

“We are presently ranked fourth in the world but it took us a lot of commitment, determination and hard work from coaches, players and the federation. We started in Qatar around 1995 or 1996 we passed through a lot of rigorous training to be where we are now”.