Nigeria WiII Revenge South Africa Defeat – Ikpea

The National Chairman of the Nigeria Football Supporters’ Club, Rev. Samuel Ikpea has expressed optimism that the Super Eagles will revenge its defeat against South Africa in the all- important AFCON qualifiers coming up in two weeks in South Africa.

In a chat with the press, Ikpea regretted the loss in Uyo, last year to South Africa in the opener of the qualifiers for the 2019 Cameroon AFCON championship.

” It is painful that we lost to South Africa on our home soil. And that loss is a big and major stain on our record against the South Africans,” he lamented.

According to him, the loss was a momentary blip and the Super Eagles are poised to exact revenge of that defeat on the Bafana Bafana when they meet in Johannesburg in a fortnight.

President Nigeria Football Supporters Club, Rev. Sam lkpea

“The present form our our boys is encouraging and it is also an indication that we shall beat them before their home fans to prove our superiority,” he enthused.

He went ahead to disclose that the supporters club are poised to storm Johannesburg in large numbers to cheer the Super Eagles to victory.

Akeem Busari