3SC Relieves Amoo Of His Contract

The Management of Shooting Stars Football Club has relieved the Team’s Technical Adviser, Fatai Amoo, of his post.

The management equally said that it is reviewing the status of all the remaining technical crew members, saying that decision will soon be made on them.

In a statement issued in Ibadan by the club Media Officer, Jubril Arowolo, on Monday, the management confirmed that Mr. Amao will not be leading the team in the professional league campaign next season, noting that the team will forever be grateful for the former Technical Adviser’s commitment and input to the team.

Jubril explained that the management came to the conclusion to relieve Coach Amoo’s contract after reviewing the performance of the team in the Nigerian Premier League last season, adding that the positions of other technical crew members are also under review.

Coach Fatai Amoo

“The management acknowledged the effort of Mr Fatai Amoo to inspire the team during the failed season. We wish Mr. Amoo success in his future endeavours as we will not forget his positive impact on the team,” Jubril said.