The Nigeria Pillar Of Sports, Chief Donatus Agu Ejidike has admonished the sports administrators, concerned stakeholders and the corporate organisations to ensure that the country is well represented at the fast approaching Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

He gave this charge during the week in an exclusive interview, as he expressed his concern over the somewhat lackadaisical approach to the country’s athletes preparing for the games.

“I am indeed, worried over our preparations for the Olympic games which is just around the corner, “he lamented.

“It is painful that many sports associations cannot raise funds or receive training grants from the government to take their athletes on preparatory training tours or even engage them in serious training locally”.

Donatus Agu Ejidike
Donatus Agu Ejidike

“At this critical period of our national life, l want to plead to the corporate organisations, as well as, well placed individuals to rally in support of Nigeria sports men and women in their quests to bring sporting honour and glory to this country,” the multiple award winning business mogul cum sports philanthropist urged.

The Pillar Of Sports in Nigeria, went ahead to reiterate the unflinching commitment of the office of the Pillar Of Sports to the development of sports in the country.

“This office will not relent in the efforts to ensure that sports in Nigeria improves and take its pride of place in the world. God has magnanimously blessed us with the talents and all we need to do is to enhance and maximize these talents,”he enthused.

Ejidike who also doubles as the President of the Karate Federation of Nigeria, added that the office of the Pillar Of Sports would soon role out a package for Nigeria sports.

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