I Did Not Speak Against The Minister Of Sports – Olumide Oyedeji

Nigeria’s senior men’s National Basketball team D’Tigers’ Captain Olumide Oyedeji has denied making comments comments attributed to him in a Nigerian National Daily yesterday.

Oyedeji who is currently based in the UK today issued a Press Statement to clear the air on the alleged comments he made concerning the Nigerian Minister for Youth And Sports Solomon Dalung.

The Basketball player explained that his comments had been taken out of context stating that he had only voiced his fears over the recent happenings in the Nigerian Basketball Scene and its likely implications on Nigeria’s Participation in future international tournaments if FIBA were to sanction Nigeria like it had recently done to a couple of countries in Europe.

D Tigers Captain Olumide Oyedeji
D Tigers Captain Olumide Oyedeji

Oyedeji Said: “My interest is to see a seamless growth and development of basketball in Nigeria, it is also instructive that what is happening in Nigeria football can learn from what has happened across basketball in Europe..”

“I have to make clear that at no time did i express any disaffection for the Minister in his dealing with basketball administration the country as the article suggests.I again reiterate that I am honoured to serve my country as a member of the basketball Federation and National Team and I will always act in the interests of sport in our country”.

“The discussion was about European teams that were banned by FIBA and what that portends for Nigerian Sports if some resolutions among factions were not addressed. The most important line is that at no point in time did I complain about the way the Hon. Minister was conducting his duties in administering sports in Nigeria, contrary to the impression that may have been created by the article”. He concluded.

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